Discover the captivating Mercury - Crazy Lace Agate Pendant at Abundantly Amberly, where the mystical energy of crazy lace agate meets the swift communication power of Mercury. Known to stimulate inner harmony and mental agility, this stunning pendant will not only enhance your spiritual practice but also amplify your ability to express yourself clearly. Amberly, our resident Spiritual Medium, ensures each piece is crafted with intention and purpose, aligning with our mission to foster personal growth and enlightenment. Embrace the vibrant energies of Mercury and crazy lace agate, and invite a wave of positive transformation into your life.
Mercury - Crazy Lace Agate Pendant
Excluding GST/HST
Hardness: 6 on the Mohs scale
Source: USA, India, Morocco, Czech REpublic, Brazil, Africa
Chakra: Earth, Base, Sacral